Mar in co d.o.o. is a company specializing in underwater construction and underwater reconstruction.

Including the planning and construction, inspections, maintenance and reconstruction of underwater structures, installation of floating pontoons, conducting underwater research, sampling, photography and TV recording, underwater search and diving training.

  • The company Mar in co d.o.o. was founded in 2014 and specializes in underwater and marine construction.

    For over 35 years, our group of divers has been engaged in carrying out various underwater works in the sea and inland waters on the territory of the Republic of Slovenia and abroad.

    As part of our main activities, we have been working with the operators of all Slovenian ports and marinas over the course of many years. Carrying out various underwater works, such as inspections, measurements, pontoon and mooring installations, cleaning and restoration, salvage and raising of sunken vessels. In the Port of Koper and the Izola Shipyard, we also carried out various underwater works, which the clients ordered directly or indirectly through other contractors.

    For many years, we have been conducting inspections with technical reports and video recordings, laying and reconstruction of suction, meteor and sewage pipelines. We also carry out inspections and cleaning of underwater omissions and shafts, inspections and restoration of high barriers with injection, gluing and sealing with epoxy resins and sealing with hydro-active polyurethanes.

    We design, build and maintain various breeding facilities for marine organisms. For many years, we have also been a contractor for underwater construction and maintenance work in marine fish and shellfish farms in the Piran Bay.

    We provide underwater assistance at the facilities of Drava powerplants Maribor, Sava powerplants Ljubljana and Nuclear power plant Krško. We are also the founding members of the Association of Professional Divers of Slovenia.

Underwater Work

  • underwater construction

  • underwater installations

  • underwater reconstruction of walls, columns, fences, bridges, piers, canals, pipelines

  • underwater inspections

  • underwater photography and TV recordings

  • pouring concrete under water

  • assembly of steel lining and steel formwork under water

  • underwater cutting with electrodes and diamond tools

  • underwater welding

  • underwater drilling with pneumatic and hydraulic drilling machines

  • gluing and sealing of cracks with epoxy resins and hydro-active polyurethanes and underwater injections with cement masses

  • underwater excavations

  • underwater sludge pumping

  • raising sunken vessels

  • underwater sampling and monitoring

  • underwater assistance in archaeological research

  • underwater searches

Port Services

  • installation of floating piers and marina equipment

  • manufacture of moorings for vessels

  • maintenance of moorings for vessels

  • raising sunken vessels

  • inspections of the underwater parts of vessels

Mariculture and Fisheries

  • stakeout and installation of shellfish farms and fish farms

  • maintenance work in shellfish farms and fish farms

Our Diving Team References


Construction of coastal walls 

  • underwater work in the cladding and concreting of the massive concrete coastal wall at the Delamaris factory in Izola

  • underwater work in the cladding and concreting of the thin-walled reinforced concrete coastal wall in the city harbour in Izola

  • underwater works in the restoration of the coastal wall in Marina Portorož - driving AB piles and making a new belt foundation

  • underwater works in the restoration of coastal walls in Marina Izola

  • diving works in the restoration of coastal walls in the port of Bar in Montenegro

  • underwater works in the reconstruction of the port of Katarina in Ankaran

  • underwater works in the reconstruction of the fishing port of Koper and Izola

  • underwater works in the reconstruction of the customs pier in the port of Piran

  • underwater works in the reconstruction of the main pier in the port of Piran

  • underwater works in the comprehensive arrangement of the pier of the Faculty of FPP Portorož and GEPS Piran in Portorož


Installation of underwater pipelines and installations

Installation of numerous sewer outlets in Slovenia, Croatia, Montenegro and Bulgaria

The most important sewer installations:

  • Tivat in Montenegro (Φ 630 mm, length 3600 m, up to a depth of 45 m)

  • Ston in Croatia (Φ 400 mm, length 900 m, up to a depth of 72 m)

  • Piran in Slovenia (Φ 630 mm, length 3600 m, up to a depth of 25 m)

  •  Koper - Žusterna in Slovenia (Φ 800 mm, length 450 m, up to a depth of 13 m)

  •  Izola in Slovenia (Φ800 mm, length 550 m, up to a depth of 17 m)

  •  Balchik in Bulgaria (Φ 800, length 275 m, up to a depth of 10 m)                         


Reconstruction of underwater pipelines and installations

Reconstruction of numerous sewer outlets in Slovenia, Croatia and Montenegro

The most important reconstruction of sewer:

  • Budva in Montenegro (Φ 500 mm, length 2400 m, up to a depth of 42 m)

  • Petrovac in Montenegro (Φ 300 mm, length 1600 m, up to a depth of 42 m)

  • Čanj in Montenegro (Φ 630 mm, length 1700 m, up to a depth of 41 m

  • Piran in Slovenia (Φ 400 mm, length 3600 m, up to a depth of 24 m)

  • Piran in Slovenia (overflow pipeline Φ 400 mm, length 700 m, up to a depth of 20 m)

  • Izola in Slovenia (Φ 500 mm, length 400 m, up to a depth of 14 m)

  • Izola in Slovenia (Φ 800 mm, length 550 m, up to a depth of 17 m

  • Excavation of a canal and installation of a water pipe line on the island in Budva in Montenegro

  • Installation of suction lines for swimming pools and heat exchangers in Lovran near Reka in Croatia, Dubrovnik in Croatia, Hercegnovi in Montenegro, Bernardin near Piran in Slovenia and Portorož Marina in Slovenia.


Various underwater assembly works 

  • for the Ministry of the Environment, Space and Energy at the time, we manufactured and installed a special gate for the inflow facility on the ground outlet at the Mola water reservoir near Ilirska Bistrica

  • for the Ministry of the Environment, Space and Energy of Slovenia, we designed, manufactured and installed a stretch of 500 mm steel pipes for the Klivnik reservoir

  • repeated manual closing and opening of the gate in the inflow facility of the Klivnik reservoir

  • manufacture and installation of a special gate for the inflow facility of the Vanganel reservoir, and replacement of the outflow valve on the same facility

  • we regularly work at both Drava and Sava Power Plants and at the Krško Nuclear Power Plant, where we carry out various inspections, measurements, sealing, cleaning and restoration.

  • at the Krško Nuclear Power Plant, we also carried out the technically extremely demanding work of covering the thresholds of the flow fields with steel sheets, which we welded, screwed and sub-injected under water

  • underwater installation of the desilting pipeline at the Krško Nuclear Power Plant

  • underwater installation of auxiliary sluice gates at the Medvode, Vuhred, and Zlatoličje hydroelectric power stations


Maintenance work

  • multi-year maintenance of marking buoys on the borders of nature reserves and cultural monuments in the Slovenian sea

  • multi-year maintenance work on the mooring buoys in the Port of Koper

  • several years of regular underwater maintenance work on installations in all three Slovenian marinas - Portorož, Izola and Kopermulti-year maintenance works at the city ports of Piran, Izola and Koper

  • repair of cracks and maintenance of high barriers by injecting hydro-active polyurethanes into cracks at the Zlatoličje hydroelectric power plant, the Formin hydroelectric power plant, the Varaždin 1 hydroelectric power plant, the Mavčiče hydroelectric power plant

  • sealing shafts and pipelines with epoxy resins and hydro-active polyurethanes

  • cleaning sediments from wells, pipelines, siphons and underground pools with pneumatic membrane pumps


Activities in ports and marinas

  • installation and reconstruction of floating piers with all anchorage, mooring equipment and communal equipment in marinas: Portorož, Izola and Koper in Slovenia, Monfalcone in Italy, Rovinj in Croatia, Maddalena Island in Italy, Lago di Garda in Italy, Rimini in Italy, Budva in Montenegro, Aden in Yemen, Tulcea in Romania and Nessebar in Bulgaria

  • cooperation in the installation of floating piers for the nautical fair in Split, Croatia and Marina Portorož, Slovenia

  • construction of a pedestrian bridge at Šmartinsko lake

  • construction of a floating port on the Ljubljanica river in Ljubljana

  • construction of mooring systems in the ports of Piran, Portorož, Izola and Koper


Some of the more interesting work done

  • cutting a wedged steel pipe when making a pile Φ1800 mm with a wall thickness of 20 mm at a depth of approx. 20 m. We cut with special electrodes from the inside of the pipe towards the outside (the pipe was part of the system for making piles for the highway bridge over the Sava River near Ljubljana)

    cutting a wedged steel pipe when making a pile Φ 1500 mm with a wall thickness of 40 mm at a depth of approx. 30 m at Bonifika in Koper

  • cutting of bent steel sheet piles in the Mura river at the construction site of the highway bridge near Murska Sobota in conditions of a barely manageable river flow, (total length of cut approx. 20 m)

  • salvaging (raising) several sunken vessels (up to 13 m long)

  • taking samples of soil sediments in the Škocjan Bay near Koper with tubes 2 m long, samples were repeatedly taken in the Port of Koper, at the Badaševica estuary in Koper and also elsewhere in the open sea

  • restoration of the siphon system in Lake Bled to a depth of 36 m (the water in the lake is significantly cleaner since the restoration)

  • draining sediments from the siphon under the river Rižana in Luka Koper. The tunnel with a profile of 100 x 120 cm and a length of 75 m was completely clogged with sediments, which had to be removed with a special pneumatic pump

  • draining sediments from the siphon in Celje and sealing the pipeline under the river Savinja

  • immersion of the dead humpback whale and dolphin and the subsequent lifting of the bones, which were cleaned naturally for the Natural History Museum of the Republic of Slovenia

  • multi-year monitoring of the populations of Zebra mussels on the Drava River

  • planning, construction and maintenance of the Fonda fish farm and shellfish farms in the Piran Bay and shellfish farms in the Strunjan Bay in Slovenia, fish farms and shellfish farms on the island of Hvar and Ston peninsula in Croatia

Lean Fonda, CEO of Mar in co d.o.o. holds a BSc in biology and as a professional diver continues the family tradition in the field of diving and marine biology.

Since 1997, he has been continuously carrying out underwater work in Slovenia and abroad.